What is the ISO? Insurance Service Office is a government risk classification program. Agents from the ISO visit the fire department and use many factors to rate the fire department, from how much water is available, how fast the fire department can provide water, and emergency response times. The classification is called PPC - Public Protection Classification.
Lockwood was formerly in class 8/8b rating. The ISO upgraded Lockwood Fire’s PPC rating effective November 1, 2019. The updated rating is 5/5y. All parcels are rated 5y with the exception of La Mel Heights subdivision which has 8 fire hydrants on a public water system and as a result improves their rating to 5. The PPC rating is no longer required to be used for insurance purposes. However, many insurance providers do still use the PPC in rating properties.
For insurance purposes everyone in the district resides within 5 miles of a fire station and Lockwood Fire Protection District is staffed by volunteer firefighters who live throughout the community.
Some insurance companies request a list of apparatus and water sources. As of January 2022, below is the current list of apparatus assigned to each fire station:
Fire Station #151 -
Squad 6546
Engine 6530 Type I - 750 gallons of water with a 1,250 GPM pump
Water Tender 6540 - 4,000 gallons of water with a 1,250 GPM pump
On site we have four 5,000-gallon water tanks that are used to refill fire apparatus
Fire Station #152 -
Engine 6520 Type III – 650 gallons of water with a 1000 GPM pump
On site - one fire hydrant.
Within 1/8-mile access to the La Mel Heights subdivision there is a 130,000-gallon water tank
Many property owners have chosen to provide water tanks on their property for emergency fire protection use.